Mitki consider themselves Russian Orthodox group of artists and denounce MITKI-EVANGELIE since it tampers with religion and sacrilegious in it's content. They also disapprove the use of their name and copyright by the author, who remains anonimous.
The text is prepared without the basic knowledge of Mitki philosophies.
Mitki distance themselves from this text and ask not to associate them with it.
Ponyatno, chto chitatelei i redakcii izdanii gipnotiziruet masshtab takih slov kak Evangelie i mit'ki, srazu hochetsya otyskat' tam premudrosti. Premudrost' mozhno naiti i na pustom meste, odnako zhal' chto imenno mit'kov v dannom sluchae prinimayut za troechnikov-shestiklasnikov, koim tol'ko i prisushe hotet' byt' i mit'kami i evangelistami razom.
Chitatelyam "Lic" sleduet pochashe obrashat'sya k Novomu Zavetu, ne povredit i prochitat' knigu Vladimira Shinkareva "Mit'ki". No vnimatel'no.
Evangelie zhe "ot mit'kov" mit'ki sovetuyut zashvyrnut' podal'she, ne chitaya ili "povesit' v sortir", osobenno tem, kto v Boga Veruet.
Gruppa "Mit'ki" v polnom sostave
opublikoval Pavel Severov